Sunday, January 20, 2008


I am very glad I chose the topic sex offenders. In the beginning of my research I wanted to learn a lot about my topic but it was hard to research in class because it said the word (sex) offenders. Everything I learn was very important, but three important things I learned about my topic was that you can go to the internet and search for sex offenders near your neighborhood. Thanks to Megan’s law every sex offender needs to register. Most sex offenders RE-offend once they get out of jail they go and abuse again. Most sex offenders rape kids 13 years and under its easier for them. One thing that I learn made me very very mad was that most of the sex offenders are family members!! A advice, that I would give the people is to go to the internet and look for sex offenders that live around them. I looked in the internet and there are six sex offenders in Carbondale, one of them lives close to where I live.

If some one was going to read one of my blogs I would tell them to read blog 12.
I Think I did very good with my blogs I really tried very hard because my topic was very interesting to me. At first I hated keeping a blog every week now I love it I learned more about a topic I choose. At the some time I learn about other students blogs. It was fun reading other students blogs.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Editorial Opposing Viewpoint

Castration of sex offenders would reduce sexual violence, By: Larry Don McQuay and Fred S. Berlin.
Larry Don McQuay viewpoint is that the fear of being sent to prison after his release will not deter him from molesting children again. He said that Castration is the only treatment that will keep him from molesting children. Castration is when males privet part is removed, and Chemical castration is an injection that reduce a mans sexual desire. Which I believe is an affective treatment for sex offenders. You can find Larry Don McQuay in Texas prison serving an eight year sentence for molesting a single boy. That’s all the court convicted him for, but he had abused close to 200 children. Larry said that all sex offenders wear the INNOCENT-LOOKING MASKS of a father, stepfather, uncle, cousin. They could also wear the caring face of a babysitter, a teacher, and a priest. Larry himself have worn various masks like a brother, cousin, stepfather, uncle, school-bus driver, and a family friend. Prison is not a deterrent for most sex offenders, and it definitely will not be a deterrent for Larry. In Fact, in many cases prison intensifies sex offenders’ condition by making them more savage. What used to be a cultivated “relationship” that took time and preparation became an unplanned kidnapping and rape where children are beaten, tortured, ravaged, and often found dead and mutilated, or never found at all. Sex offenders who’ve been to prison not only get more violent but also learn a lesson about how to stay out of jail, make sure that the next victim can’t ever report them. Larry speaks from experience he dreams of kidnapping children in a way that renders them unable to identify him.

Taxes Gavern Ann Richards said that six offenders on prison are making her pay millions of dollars, The fact is prison is nothing more than an oversized, overpriced homeless shelter. The prisoners are well fed and clothes and have warm beds to sleep in, all for free. To sex offenders, loss of freedom means there are no children around to rape, but they can get child pornography or watch T.V, and have memories of there past crimes. Sex is plentiful in prison, they rape the youngest prisoners. Some citizens claim that Castration itself is Barbaric. Larry said that Barbaric is what he had done to so many children; refusing to castrate me is barbaric to the children I will molest. Whether for their first, second, or third conviction of a sex offender, is currently a violation of the United State Constitution because it is considered “ cruel and unusual punishment.” But no punishment is crueler or more unusual than the pain I have caused my victims. Voluntary castration is not unconstitutional, but no state allows it. Surgical castration involves removal of the testes only. When the penis is removed but the testes are still left intact, a man is far less likely to attempt to engage in sexual Behavior. Removal of the testes generally decreases the desire for sexual activity. All sex offenders should be force to be Chemically Castrated!!!!!