Sunday, December 16, 2007


You are sound asleep peacefully dreaming
suddenly a stranger comes and takes you away screaming
You yell for help hoping someone will hear you
Nobody comes and your terrified he will kill you
You wonder “What’s happening Why I’m I here”

He takes you somewhere dark and quiet and his motives become clear
You are dropped on the floor and your clothes are ripped off
You keep screaming with fear and think this men probable eats from a trough
You try to fight back you hit, scratch, and bite.
But what you don’t know is that he is aroused by your fright

He has his way with you, then drops you in a whole
Burying you alive is his final goal.
How can a men hurt a 9 year old girl that has no mistake
How can a men hurt a 9 year old girl that sees the world so perfect
What did she do to disserve so much pain?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sex Offender Statistics

This graph showes how Child Sex Assault is the highest percentage. The reason is because most of the time, children under 13 are the once that get raped more.

This gragh showes the highest sex offenders regerstragen in the USA. Colorado is one of the states that is not so high. California state is one of the highest.
Sex offenders
1. On a given day in 1994 there were approximately 234,000 offenders convicted of rape or sexual assault under the care, custody, or control of corrections agencies; nearly 60% of these sex offenders are under conditional supervision in the community.
2. The median age of the victims of imprisoned sexual assaulters was less than 13 years old; the median age of rape victims was about 22 years.
3. An estimated 24% of those serving time for rape and 19% of those serving time for sexual assault had been on probation or parole at the time of the offense for which they were in State prison in 1991.
4. Of the 9,691 male sex offenders released from prisons in 15 States in 1994, 5.3% were rearrested for a new sex crime within 3 years of release.
5. Of released sex offenders who allegedly committed another sex crime, 40% perpetrated the new offense within a year or less from their prison discharge.
Women offenders
1. In 1998 there were an estimated 3.2 million arrests of women, accounting for 22% of all arrests that year.
2. Based on self-reports of victims of violence, women account for 14% of violent offenders, an annual average of about 2.1 million violent female offenders.
3. Women accounted for about 16% of all felons convicted in State courts in 1996: 8% of convicted violent felons, 23% of property felons, and 17% of drug felons.
4. In 1998 more than 950,000 women were under correctional supervision, about 1% of the U.S. female population.
*The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for-black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%) -black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Fact, Opinion, Summurise and Respond

On Monday November 26Th the T.V show Primer Impacto reported a case from El Salvador. El Salvador has a large rate of sex offenders. For example, they reported about a family where the dad would make five of his daughters have sex with him. The mother of those girls knew everything about the rape. She was ok with it because he is the man of the house; the one who brings money to the family. Out of the five girls, the youngest is only 7-years-old. The rest of the four girls are pregnant. Primer Impacto was also reporting that in most of the cases the family members are the one who rape girl. Most of the time the mothers know about the abuse. They make them self's think it's not real, so they don't say anything or do anything about the rape. They make there self believe that the rape never happened.
I hate the fact that most of the cases of sex offenders are from family members. How can someone be called family when the only thing they are doing is hurting their family? I don't understand how a mother would let someone hurt her daughters just for money. I rather be poor and have nothing then let someone hurt my family. I would give my life for my family.

Great Debate

In June the beginning of a debate about the sentencing of sex offenders. A man named Paul Webster 40 your old was sentencet to life in January but was eligible to apply for Parole after six years. His accolplice, Tanya French 19 year old was jailed for five years. They raped a 12 month baby and took potograghs, of the abuse. Paul had been convicted of a serious assault on a 14 year old girl three years befor he was sintenced for the baby rape offences.
1. The offender pleaded guilty at the first opportunity, so the judge was required to reduce the prison sentence by one-third, bringing the tariff down to 12 years.
2. The offender is allowed to apply for parole after serving half of the sentence, bringing it down to six years.
3. The offender is entitled to ask for the time he spent on remand to count towards his sentence and the judge had no grounds to refuse this, bringing it down to five and a bit years.(
The Debate of Treatment!
Should we give treatment to sex offenders or should we not?
Yes we should because, Juveniles respond very positively to treatment. Psychological counseling is expensive, but not as espensive as prison. Building a new prison cell is about $55,000 it would be around $22,000 a year just to supervised probation. A treatment may cost between $5,000 and $15,000 per year. One year of treatment well cost way less then a year of prison. Some people think its the its good to try to help sex offenders! (
No we should not give treatment beause it realy doesnt help. 15 percent of convicted sex offenders are caught reoffending after years later, they are driven by sexul interests. Dr. Hanson's research showes various studies had shown that "most treatments dont work very well." All treatments had a modest beneficial effect. Dr. Hanson's found that 12 percent of offendres who got treatment were caught committing new sex crimes. Researchers have found that chemical castration, or using hormonal drugs to curb sexual appetitd can be Problecatice. Some docters see more potential in Antidepressant drugs. Mr. Carlin said "Most of those guys, They're just wating to get released so they can go right back to what they were doing." Thats the reason they fet treatment.


Should the government reacquire sex offenders to publicly state that they are convected sex offenders to the community in which they live in? Four out of ten said (NO) Sex offenders SHOULD NOT be reacquired to publicly state to the community that they are convected sex offenders. Students also said the parents should be responsible to look up sex offenders that live around their community. Who every wants to know can go to the Internet and find out. People should not get into sex offenders life. Six out of ten said (YES) Sex offenders SHOULD be reacquired to publicly state to the community that they are convected sex offenders. Some students said not everyone knows how to use a computer to find out if sex offenders are living around them. Parents should be allowed to know straight up if their is sex offenders so they can be informed so there kids can be safe. They also said its very easy for a sex offender to hurt a kid on Halloween.
Do you know any girl that has been sexualy assulted? Four out of ten students DONT KNOW anyone that has been raped. Six out of ten KNOW someone that has been raped. I think their are girls in the school that have been raped and they have not done anything about it. No one should be forced to do anything they dont want to do! If a girl gets rape I think they should do something to the person that raped the girl, it does not matter if they are family members.


It's hard to believe the violence against women. You might think it only happens in movies, book, and soap operas. The reality is it happens every where in this world. For example 30 minutes away from Carbondale where I live. There was a men from selt who had raped 3 girls age of 5, 6 and 7 form Carbondale. The 3 girls where the man family members, they were the daughters of his brother. Now the girls are 18, 19 20 years old the reason the girls did not say anything sooner is because they would make themselves think it was a dream. Just this summer the girls opened up and told the police what had happened. They remembered when he would touch them and make them have sex. There are three main reasons that cause violence against women; 1. Alcohol, 2. Sex and power motives 3. Family, School, and Religion.

Some sex assaults occur in the use of alcohol. Alcohol use has been reported in between 25 percent and 85 percent of beating and up to 75 percent of rapes. Research have found that heavy drinking patterns are related to aggressive behavior and sexual violence. Sex and Power Motives have a big part in raping. For example Violence against women is believed to be motivated by need to dominate women. Rape in particular, represents fulfillment of sexual needs through violence. One thing that really surprised me is that rapist respond more than nonsexual offenders to rape cues than to consenting sex cues. I cant believe that rapist get aroused (turn-on) by a women screaming for her life and yelling for him to stop. Family, School, and Religion is the first step to explain why sex offenders act the way they do. Studies of violent criminals and violent sex offenders have found that men are more likely to have experienced poor parental children, poor supervision, physical abuse, neglect, and separation from their parent. Men raised in family's that the men have the control of every movement in their family are more likely to become violent adults, and rape women.

Every time that I write a new blog I learn more. It's very interesting how women suffer, and go through very hard and painful moments. Men can say that they are the head of the house BUT the women is the neck, The head can NOT move without the nick. The nick is what holds the head. In my eyes a women is very important no one and nothing can compare with the work that a women can do. Women should have respect as well as give respect.How would men like it when women take advantage of them?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Personal Reflection

What have i learned? When I first started looking up sex offenders i did not know much. The only thing that i was familiar was the definition. The more I would research the more interesting the topic became. I Have learned so many things about this topic. For example i did not know that i could go into the Internet and look up sex offenders that live around my house and town. What most surprised me was when I learned that the majority of the sex offenders are friends and family members.
How do i feel about this topic now? I am very happy with my topic. Its a topic that really caught my attention. I feel that i need to learn more about this topic, because its a big problem in this world. Every time I read a story of children getting abuse it makes my feel very gloomy. I get very scared just by thinking that a sex offender could be leaving around or my loved once.
What I wander? The more I learn about this topic the more I wander how a sex offender can hurt Innocent little girl's. I also wander how the family's of the victim's feel. How does the family of the sex offenders react ofter knowing the damage the sex offender has caused. I also wander which states have the highest rate of sex offenders.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

True Story

In 2006 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford from Florida was kidnapped out of her own house by a sex offender named John Evander Cauey. Who sexually assaulted Jessica. John buried her alive. "Jessica's Law" was created. "Jessica's law" requires tracking sex offenders more closely and stricter sentences.

On Friday July 24, 1994, 7-year-old Megan Nicloe Kanka was kidnapped by her neighbor Jesse Timmendequas. He took her into his house and raped and strangled her. He stuffed her body into a plastic toy chest and dumped it in a nearby park. Jesse Timmendequas was a two-time registered sex offender before he raped Megan. He lived across the street from Megan's house
with two more sex offenders, who he met in prison. No one in the neighborhood new they were living by sex offenders.

Library Research

You and your family could be living in the same neighborhood where a sex offender lives! Every kid and adult should be on Alert for sex offenders. In fact, out of 100%, 59% of cases occur among friends. Thirty-four percent of cases occur within their own families. Seven percent of cases occur within strangers. Some of the stated have banned registered sex offenders from living near public places where children can gather such as schools, day care and parks. making it very hard for sex offenders to find a place to live. You could murder someone and still live in the same place or be a drug dealer, but not a sex offender. Sex offenders still face penalties after serving their sentences. Including some penalties that don't apply to people who murder.

Found in: CQ Researcher 2008.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Video Review (Home Depot)

"In May 29, 2007 a women who hired Home Depot to fix her kitchen cabinets said that she was surprised when a convicted sex offender showed up to do the work." I choose this video because Home Depot is a very well known store where lots of family's like to buy things for there houses. This Video gives me a big message; You well never know when you well be close to a sex offenders. Every kid should be aware and not truest everyone.
There are 42,000 names on the sex offenders registry. This is only sex offeners who dont apply to be anonymous. Most of the sex offenders, after being arrested for sex crimes, yours later are rearrested for child molesting.

Child Statutory
Molesters: Rapists: Rapists:
Within 3 yours followining release:

Rearrested for any new sex crimes: 15% 5.0% 5.0%

Reconvicted for any new sex crimes: 3.5% 3.2% 3.6%

Total Released: 4,295 3,115 443


I choose the topic sex offenders because i don't know much about them. I think the word's sex offenders means someone that sexually assault's someone else with words or actions. I also think every adult showed be aware of sex offenders living around there neighbourhoods.
One thing that I mostly hate in this world, is people that take advantage of others Specially kids!! It tares my heart knowing kids get abused. I would like to know if I'm a immediate danger of an assault sex offender.